Reliable scanning and monitoring systems

Complete belting solutions

Across the mining and port industries

A comprehensive range of conveyor services

Conveyor Diagnostics International offers reliable scanning and monitoring systems for a range of conveyor belt requirements across the mining and port industries.

Through the use of specialised equipment and highly qualified technicians, Conveyor Diagnostics International can provide comprehensive advice, reports and data which accurately evaluates the condition of conveyor components.

Our intelligent scanning systems can target and pinpoint faults down to a specific location to maximise efficiency and effectiveness of the repair method and reduce disruption to regular maintenance activities.

complete belting solutions

Conveyor Belts Australia

We offer the following solutions, ideal for the mining and port industries:

Complete belting solutions

  • Digital X-Ray
  • Belt Cover Profiling (with life predictions)
  • Splice Quality Assurance
  • Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) scanning
  • Conveyor Audits
  • Non-Destructive Testing (inspection of vulcanising equipment)
  • Roller Audits (including UT thickness testing and thermology
Routine maintenance of conveyor belts

Routine maintenance to in-depth inspections and advanced monitoring

At Conveyor Diagnostics International, our comprehensive range of services are designed to meet the diverse needs of conveyor belt operators in Australia and beyond.

We specialise in providing cutting-edge diagnostic solutions for conveyor belts, whilst ensuring the uninterrupted flow of operations.

Our services encompass everything from routine maintenance to in-depth inspections and advanced monitoring.

Whether you are looking to extend the lifespan of your conveyor belt or require specialised advice and assistance, let Conveyor Diagnostics help optimise performance and deliver tailored solutions.

Tailored solutions

Unlocking the value of a partnership

There are a full range of benefits when choosing Conveyor Diagnostics International as your partner in conveyor belt scanning maintenance and optimisation.

Some of the major benefits include:

  • Reduced risk of injury to personnel and equipment
  • Reduced disruption to regular maintenance activities
  • Limits catastrophic belt failure, extends belt life with managed risk and exposure
  • Saves time and money
  • Change outs can be planned to coincide with other maintenance, reducing downtime
  • Can target and position repairs to a specific location to maximise efficiency and effectiveness of contract repairers and the repair method

We can tailor our expertise to match your requirements and welcome you to discuss your specific needs with our Director, Ben Cole.

Ben Cole

Comprehensive advice, reports and data

Intelligent scanning systems



Using the latest digital radiography equipment, Conveyor Diagnostics can perform spot x-rays or carry out full splice evaluation. This process, unlike film, provides immediate results and a faster diagnostic evaluation.

Belt scanning

Belt scanning

Our continuous belt tracker gives operators much tighter control over financing by enabling them to recognise potential trouble spots and take action before costly, unnecessary damage occurs.



For industries that rely heavily on conveyor systems, the auditing process is integral to the health and maintenance of your assets.

Splice QA

Splice QA

Conveyor Diagnostics International provide for full coverage to ensure all the required manufacturing parameters are being followed, backed with over 30 years within the splicing industry.

We work with customers in locations across Australia, the United States, India, South Africa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and beyond.