Immediate results and a faster diagnostic evaluation

Radiography (Digital X-Ray)

Monitoring of conveyor belts

Quality assurance radiography

Using the latest digital radiography equipment, Conveyor Diagnostics can perform spot x-rays or carry out full splice evaluation. This process, unlike film, provides immediate results and a faster diagnostic evaluation.

The use of digital x-ray can assist with assessing damage within a splice or parent belting, and not only provides a better understanding of the internal damage (which often cannot be seen), but also allows the client to make an informed judgement on whether to continue using the belt.

With highly trained and experienced technicians, the Conveyor Diagnostics International team can analyse digital images and provide informed recommendations when defects or faults are detected.

Digital X-ray also forms part of Conveyor Diagnostic International’s Splice QA process. This allows for a final check confirming rubber flow, correct splice layup pattern and identifying any damage or defects.

Our process gives the clients confirmation that the splice is completed as per the manufacturer’s specifications. It also acts as part of a base line inspection including cover thickness and Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) scanning for any future issues that may arise during normal operation.

Whether it’s for damage detection, quality assurance radiography, or part of a complete splice quality assurance or quality control, Conveyor Diagnostics International can provide full digital x-ray and/or MFL scans on your conveyor belt systems.

Quality Assurance Radiography

A simple way to reduce downtime

The radiography of belt components delivers significant benefits to maintenance planners and repairers by reducing the time it takes to identify and fix the damage.

It also reduces risk of injury and disruption to regular maintenance activity, extends the life of the belt, and saves time and money.

Whether it’s a mine conveyor belt or materials handling belts for port operations, Conveyor Diagnostics International are the trusted choice when it comes to your conveyor belt operations.

Contact us

Increase the life of your conveyor systems

Ben Cole

Ben Cole

+61 408 108 618

We’ve worked on and monitored one of the longest conveyor belt operations across the world, including a 32,700-metre conveyor belt in India.

Our monitoring operations has spanned more than 6 countries over the last 10 years.

We work with customers in locations across Australia, the United States, India, South Africa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and beyond.